Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh Blog how I have missed you

It has been a while since I have written in my blog. I feel like such a slacker. I took some time off from running for the last week and a half. My knee was killing me, that darn IT Band. So instead of running I invested in a few new items to help me run better.

I went and got fitted for the perfect shoes for me. Turns out that my old shoes that I love were actually one size to small for me, and that I needed a little bit more cushion in my shoes to correct my stride. So I fixed that :)

I bought a foam roller. I have used it twice and it feels really bad but a really good bad. I hope it helps me as well.

I ran yesterday for a grand total 3 miles. I have a 10k next Saturday so I need to make sure I will be able to run it without any inquries.


Monday, February 9, 2009

The Pain Hit Yesterday

Yesterday was not a good day for a run. Lets see there was a big beautiful Sun in the sky, the weather was perfect, and I felt like a million dollars. All this ended up not helping at all. :(

I started off way to fast was on pace to run under a 10 minute mile. To some this sounds slow to me this is fast....
All the sudden my knee starts hurting. DH thinks it is my Iliotibial band. Which I can believe because it hurts bad right there. There are lots of reasons for the pain: Not stretching daily ( I surly do not do this) weak core (after attempting a core workout I learned quickly I have very little stomach muscles) and maybe I need new shoes?

So I did not even make it 1 mile. Ahh. I was really down on myself. I was like I have done training for how many weeks now and I can't finish my slow run? I think part of it is mental because next week I am suppose to do 8 miles which scares me, and part of it is the pain.

So what to do about it? I am going to try to do abs and stretching every day.

Just tried to finish a 10 minute Ab Blast. Needless to say I didn't finish it but I felt the burn.
I must get a better core so I can continue to run and so I can have sexy beach abs.

I am going to redo last weeks training schedule. Without a clock. I think I am trying to run to fast and my form sucks. Here is to trying again and hoping I do not have a bad Iliotibial band.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This makes me smile

When I was a little girl I had a basset hound named Buttons. She was someone Else's dog before she was mine but I loved her all the same. There is just something special about those floppy ears and long drawn out barks that make me smile. I hope I get another one sometime. Not know but maybe when I am a little old lady?
Ok on to running. So Tuesday night I went for my 3 miles run. The dear Doug went with me. We did pretty good as far as time is considered. Right now as I write this post I am staring at my running shoes, clothes, and other running paraphernalia and trying to make myself get up and go. It is literally freezing in South Carolina this week so I am lucky enough to be staying in a hotel with a fun gym that I a getting ready to go get sweaty in. Just wanted to write a little post because I was thinking about the above picture and I wanted to procrastinate going to the gym. Imagine that. All right off I go.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Monday, February 2, 2009

7 miles complete :-)

Yesterday I ran my longest distance ever!!!! 7 miles!!!! It was not the easiest run but that is to be expected. I ran it very slow (I think) and I felt like I was going to die when I got finished.

How many people have trouble running when they get finished running? I do. I had an old man beat me up the stair to get water at the park. The park that I ran at yesterday has markers that mark every 1/2 mile. The distance is 2 1/2 miles one way. Yesterday I started at the beginning and ran one mile down and them one mile back, then I started on the 2 1/2 miles down and back for a grand total of 7. I think my time WAS 1.27.10? Not entirely sure because when I went to push save on my watch it said memory full and deleted my workout. I swear I have more problem operating a watch than anyone should ever have. I push stop when I should push split, I push reset when I should push stop. Who knows. I guess my brain is dead when I get finished running.

I started thinking about all the trouble (I believe that I like to over exaggerate my pain to myself, never felt a high amount before such as a bone break) I am having with my knee. It hurts so bad at different part of my run. I am not sure if it is a good hurt (WOW Your Using Your Legs) or (Ow your going to injure yourself)?
Perhaps I need different shoes?

I think I bought my shoes because they were pretty. I really like the blue color :) Anyways I keep reading about pains and what not and people usually point it back to the shoes. These are running shoes but perhaps they are not the perfect ones for me? I thought about going to a running store to get fitted for shoes. Knowing me and my clumsy self I probably run all crazy like, my stride that is.

This week is an easier week for my running. It is an EASY WEEK? All my runs are labeled Easy runs. I am to run 3 miles tomorrow and then 3 miles on Thursday/Friday (0ne of those days) and then 4 miles on Sunday :)

Here is to thinking 3 miles and 4 miles are easy. I know this time last year I would laugh at anyone who said running 3 or 4 miles was easy:)